Sunday, October 18, 2020

Bible Study: Week 9


Bible Study:     How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life Study Guide (By Dr. Gregory Frizzell)      

Week #9


Beginning Prayer:


Father God its an honor to come to You. I give you praise, glory.  Honor is all Yours forever. I will enter Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise to You this day and forever more. Your Majesty is Who You are! I will lift up mine eyes to You, our help comes from You always.  Lord, You are worthy to be praise. I praise You because You are worthy. I worship You with all my heart, mind, and soul. Bless You with all my heart, bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless Your holy Name, and I want forget none of Your benefits. Your are worthy to be praise, You are worthy of all the glory. You are worthy of all the honor. Father God bless this years’ election for the sake of all who need help in this life. We look to You for help in every area of our life in Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Let’ s start with some key points:


KEY POINTS – The Biblical Path to a Powerful Prayer Life


1). If you are serious about learning to pray, you will soon experience the most incredible journey of your life!  Use this simple prayer pattern to begin your powerful biblical prayer journey.

2). In your intercession, seek to be as specific as possible. Focus on only two or three categories per day.

3).  Daily Bible reading is essential to your prayer life.

4). I suggest you do your Bible reading and journaling before you conduct your main prayer time.

5). I highly recommend that you follow one of today’s excellent schedules for reading through the entire Bible at least once a year.

6). Though an hour is an excellent goal, I am not implying that you must pray a whole hour in order to experience a powerful prayer life.   The guiding principle is close sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.


SUBJECT:         A Practical Daily Prayer Guide


In this final chapter I will outline a practical pattern for daily prayer.  However, please understand this pattern is not some legalistic formula.  Above all, your prayer time is a relationship and relationships fluctuate from day to day. 



I   Begin with a period of praise and thanksgiving (5-10 minutes)

A.   Give thanks for past, present, and future blessings.

B.    Praise God for who He is (His characteristics and names).

C.    Freely worship and adore Him.


II    Continue with confession and repentance (at least 5-10 minutes)

1.      Ask God to search your thoughts and attitudes.

2.     Carefully examine your speech.

3.     Ask God to thoroughly search your relationships.

4.    Confess any sins of commission and be sure to forsake the sins God reveals.

5.     Confess any sins of omission and make a definite commitment to obedience.


Resolve to fully repent of any known sin of thought, word or deed. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Be sure to utilize a thorough biblical tool designed to search all areas of your life with God’s Word.

III    Follow with Prayers of Personal Petition (10-15 minutes)

1.      Pray for the development of character and holiness (Pray through the specific fruit of the Holy Spirit or other character words).

2.     Pray for your ministry and service to God (be very specific in your prayers).

3.     Pray for physical, emotional spiritual or financial needs.


IV     Continue with Prayers of Intercession (10-20 minutes)

1.      Pray for needs of family and friends.

2.     Pray for your pastor and church (use specific prayers such as found on pages 84 and following).

3.     Pray for specific lost people (use specific prayers such as found on page 83).

4.    Pray for missionaries and mission efforts (use guides from the International Mission Board).

5.     Pray for revival and spiritual awakening (use guides on page 84)


In your intercession, seek to be as specific as possible. Also remember the value of focusing on only two or three categories per day. If you thoroughly prayed for every category, you could literally pray for hours. Though some may be led to pray for hours, most people will be led to focus on certain categories on certain days.  As always, the guiding principle is close sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

V     End with Meditation and Assessment.

1.      Reflect on key points of your Scripture reading and prayer time.

2.     Assess what God has impressed to your heart.

3.     Write down key impressions in a daily journal.

4.    End your time with thanksgiving for God’s presence


Prayer time is a relationship and relationships fluctuate from day to day.

§  The daily prayer pattern that I have outlined is not some legalistic formula.

§  By no means are your required to always follow the exact order of this or any other pattern.

§  Some days God may lead you to begin with confession and cleansing and actually end with praise and thanksgiving. 

§  At other times, God will lead you to spend far more time in intercession for others.

§  On still other occasions, you may begin with quiet meditation and listening.

§  As you are sensitive to God’s Spirit, He will guide you in a variety of patterns.


Friend, if you are serious about learning to pray, you will soon experience the most incredible journey of your life!  Let us confidently claim God’s glorious promise of Jeremiah 29:13. “And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart.” 


I encourage you to become a “doer” and not a “hearer” only. Start tomorrow on your incredible journey using the following simple pattern for prayer.  As I have stated throughout the book and this prayer guide, it is important that you practice the biblical principles of prayer that you have just studied about.


Let me say a brief word about practice.  We have heard for years the old saying that “practice makes perfect,” but we know it is not just any type of practice that guides one to develop skills correctly, but it is “perfect practice.”  What I am saying is that for these principles to become an intricate part of your daily prayer life, you must spend significant time to learn them and apply them in your daily prayers.  You will continue to pray on the same level you are now unless you commit to learning and developing a deeper, biblical pattern for prayer. Remember, your intent is to spend time in His presence so He can reveal more of His character to you and, you in turn can become more like Him. So don’t put it off another day.  Do not be overwhelmed by the potential depth of your prayer life.  God will get you there one step at a time and at your own pace.  But in order to learn these principles more rapidly, I ask you to use the following steps. In the book and study guide, under the five prayer types, I list certain categories for prayer. I ask you to now establish a daily plan dividing the subjects from those categories into a seven-day plan.  By dividing the categories in each prayer type into seven parts and praying through only one or two categories per day you will be able to pray through them all in one week.  This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the total categories you need to pray through.  Remember, this is merely an example to help you learn the biblical principles of prayer.  It is not some pre-set formula that you must mechanically follow each day.  At times God will give you unique promptings.  Remember, God is to be in control and we must let Him guide our prayer time.  As you read through the following pattern for prayer, be conscious of what materials you will need for your daily prayer time. (your Bible, a prayer journal, lists of God’s names and characteristics, hymns, lists of people and situations which need prayer) List any other materials you will need here.



Ending Prayers:


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


Week # 9                 QUESTIONS:


1). Have you been praying through this study?


2). Is there a change in your prayer life now?


3). Do you spend quality time with God now?


4). Are you praying for others more now?


5). Name each study lessons in this study guide.


6). Explain each study lesson in this study guide.


7). Explain the praise and thanksgiving time to spend with God.


8). What steps are after the praise and thanksgiving time to spend with God.


9). Explain the prayers of personal petition.


10). In this lesson what are the prayers of intercession?


11). What do we end with in this study guide?


12).  Read Jeremiah 29:13.


Write down where you will meet with God each day and at what time you will pray.  Allow at least an hour for this first time, if possible.

Where?  When?


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