Saturday, June 29, 2019

Bible Study: "Meditating on God's Word" Week # 2


Father God, we realize it is so important to come into Your presence to find peace for the mind. Bless us, Lord, to have the opportunity to come into Your presence and stay awhile as we meditate on Your Word. Help us to know the importance of this worship to You. Bless our time not to be interrupted. In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN.

Scripture:         Joshua 1:8, Matthew 22: 37

Lesson:    "Effective Meditation has four Requirements"

Effective meditation has four requirements.

1).      Priority. The devil will try to thwart our efforts to focus on God's Word because he knows we are absorbing it into our souls. If meditation is not a priority in our lives, we probably won't do it.

2).     Place. We need a private place to meet alone with God.

3).     Purpose. The purpose of meditation is to hear from the Lord. When we concentrate on His Word and seek His guidance, He sometimes uses very specific passages of Scriptures to answer our requests. Once we've understood what He's told us, our trust in Him increases and our worries lessen.

4).     Plan. We must set aside a time to meet with the Lord privately to read His Word, ask for direction, and listen for His voice. This opportunity to be alone with Him will soon become the most precious part of each day as we learn to know almighty God more intimately and hear Him speak to us personally through Scripture.

Devote Your Mind:

Matthew 22:37 says, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."

What does it means to love God with your mind? It means, first of all, to understand that the mind is important.

We evangelicals characteristically pit our heart against our head. And we opt for the heart as being more spiritual than the head.

But the Bible calls us to develop our thinking process to its fullest potential. We must learn to love the Lord our God with all our minds.

Our faith is not simply about feelings. When we study God's Word, we must put our heart into it. AMEN. And when we worship the Lord, we must put our mind into it.  It's not the heart vs. the mind. It's both!!

Your Assignment:   Questions:

1).        Why do the devil interrupt our meditation on God's Word?

2).       How should we meet with God?

3).       What is the purpose of meditation on God's Word?

4).       Can God speak to us through the Scriptures, Yes or No?

5).        Name four exercises of your choice of this study.

6).       Find a reference to Matthew 22:37.

7).        What does it means to love God with your mind?

8).       The Bible calls us to ____ our ___ ___ to its fullest ___.

9).       When we study God's Word we must put our ___into it.

10).     The mind and heart works together when we ____ God.

Setting aside a time:

Daily Exercises:      Personal Time with God



Write down and meditate on one of God's Characters:

Scripture Worship:

Scripture Memory:

Scripture Reading:

Daily Devotion Reading:

God's Promise Today:

Spiritual Goal in life:

Ultimate Goal in Life:

Daily Goal Today:

Speak it Now:

Healing Confession:

The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Supper:

Read Psalm 23:

Read Matthew 18:18

Pray Matthew 18:18 for someone:

My Personal Confession Today:

Prayer Focus:

Ending Song:


Record what God spoke to you:

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