Monday, December 22, 2014


He Came for You:


Jeremiah 31:3:


"The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."


As we celebrate Christ's birth this season, the celebration in our hearts should revolve around the joy of being loved. Through Jesus, the heart of God unashamedly proclaimed His love for you. He choose to come to you!


You have a Savior who is committed to you. He is the friend who sticks closer than a brother-someone connected to you by blood and experience. So when life gets rough, you can rest in the knowledge that He will never, ever abandon you.  You are never alone.


As you think about the reason for His coming over 2000 years ago, allow the Lord to touch your heart with a renewed sense of His presence. Maybe you're struggling with a deep hurt, and you wonder how you'll be able to cope with all that pain.  Jesus-Emmanuel-is near to you, and He will walk with you through any trial and comfort you with strength in the midst of any suffering. Let the meaning of His coming into the world bring new hope to your life even now.


I have a question, "What is wrong with us celebrating our Savior's birth?"  We always celebrate our birthdays, and our loved ones' birthday too, why not our Saviors? We should celebrate His coming all year round, and we should also set aside a time to celebrate His birth too. Amen.  As men of knowledge have said, "we are not sure when He was born, or the exact day He was born." That does not matter in a Christian's heart!  As a Christian that has been born-again, we know He was born, because He lives in our hearts daily.  After fellowshipping with God this morning in heart, I realized that it's a good thing to celebrate our Savior's birth.  Let's celebrate! Have a blessed Christian season my prayer partners.




Lord Jesus, I cherish Your presence and ask You to help me experience You more fully this Christmas. Thank You for being with me through every difficulty I face, amen.


Always in His care




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