Wednesday, May 22, 2019


"Meditating on God's Word:


Father God, which are in heaven and in our hearts, we come to You with a grateful heart that You have provided for us to worship You in spirit and truth. Thank You for all You do for Your people. Thank You for the plan to prosper us, and not to harm us, plan to give us hope, peace, and a good future always.  Bless us to study this with an open heart, and a good understanding of Your Word. Help us to meditate on Your Word day and night. Give to us everything we need in this study to know Your Word, and to apply it to our lives forever. AMEN.

A study of Dr. Charles Stanley:

If you aren't serious about being a follower of Jesus, you will not be interested in most of what is found in this study. Meditating on the Word of God - not to be confused with the "mind-emptying meditation" of eastern religions, but this involves actively thinking about what God says - learning it, understanding it, and applying it to one's life.

You cannot be lazy or merely "religious," if you want to meditate on God's Word. It requires effort - and a willingness to change - to go beyond mere "religion," to the point of being a genuine disciple (follower) of Jesus.

Remember that Jesus (as well as the rest of the Bible) warns us that merely hearing or knowing the Word does not cause a person to belong to God. Rather, it is the one who hears God's Word and does what it says, (James 1:22), who belongs to God. Everyone else is still dead in sin - even the "religious church-goers" who do not do what the Bible says. These lessons will help you to set aside some time to spend with God as you meditate on His Word. You will need a journal to follow through with these lessons, so you can write down what you do each day in your quiet time with God, alone with each lesson each week.

Each study lesson Includes: Questions, setting aside quiet time with God, prayer, and daily exercises: these will be the exercises; Sing a song: Pray a prayer in your heart: Write down and meditate on one of God's Characters: as such "God's goodness, God's love, God's mercy, God's faithfulness, God's peace, God's praises, and much more. You will do Scripture Worship: Scripture Memory: Scripture Reading: Daily Devotions of your choice,  Readings of God's Promise for you today: Spiritual Goal in life: Ultimate Goal in Life: Daily Goal Today: Speak it Now exercises: Healing Confessions: The Lord's Prayer: The Lord's Supper: You will read Psalm 23: Read Matthew 18:18 Pray Matthew 18:18 for someone daily: Your personal Confession for today: Prayer Focus: and Ending Song: You will Pause and listen for God's voice: Record what God speaks to you through His Holy Spirit.

I enjoy my daily quiet time with God! It has helped me to live these past ten years with peace and faith in God.  Please believe me when I say this, you will experience interruption because the enemy will not like this, but remember you are an overcomer who put on their armor every morning.  Enjoy the study on "Meditating on God's Word." God bless you and keep you in peace, amen.

Bible Study context:

Week # 1  "Meditation involves three Activities"

Week # 2           "Effective Meditation has four Requirements"

Week # 3 "Meditation includes three Steps"

Week # 4 "Meditation in Prayer"

Week # 5 "How to Meditate on God's Word"        

Week # 6 "Trembling at God's Word"

Week # 7 "Conclusion"

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