Tuesday, March 12, 2019



1).       How would you describe the difference between belief and faith?

Belief (be-lief = hold-dear) is often said to mean faith but one person may believe a thing and have faith in it, while another believes the same thing but has no faith in it. You can believe a man is a plumber but have no faith in him or trust him to do your plumbing. Faith (fideo | fidelity) Alone of these words faith cannot be made a verb. We can say I think, I believe, I know, I trust and I hope, but we can only have faith. It is a possession, something to be gained. It is often used to mean belief but you can believe something but have no faith in it. When you do or follow something faithfully, you do so to the letter. Faith is an absolute. Its absence is a real absence. I would say you must have faith in something you believe!

2).       Generally speak, what do you think are the biggest hindrances to believers acting in faith?

I believe it's not seeing what you are believing for.

3).       Read (Proverbs 30:5) Thank You Jesus!

4).       The unique, oblong shield of the Roman soldier was called_____.

It was called a scutum.

5).       Is there any instance from your own experience when you felt specially protected by God as a result of having acted in faith?

Yes, many times! Just the other day I was driving and almost was in an accident, but I believe because I prayed before traveling, God protected me, and His angels was encamped around me that day, and I believe always too. Thank You Lord!     

6).       How does James's illustration using the human body and spirit (in the margin) help explain the concept of faith and works more clearly?

Faith apart from works is dead; when we are walking by faith we must take action in our faith.

7).       Read the passage in the margin (Ephesians 6:16) and underline the statements surrounding the "shield of faith" that reveal Paul's emphasis.

Faith must be enjoined with action

8).      Turn to Ephesians 6 and compare verses 14-15 with 16-17. What major difference do you detect in the tone of these two sections?  Please give your observations.

Very interesting! The belt, breastplate, and shoes we put on daily, but the shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit he commands us to take it up when required. We active faith as a shield of protection over our lives we needed.

9).       Recall a time when you sensed your confidence growing and the fiery arrows fading as you walked by faith.

Daily I use my faith against the enemy because when I wake in the morning if I had a dream that night the enemy will try to make me feel it will happen that day, but I have a song I sing at that time, "In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus I have the victory; in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, Satan you have to flee."

10).    Hebrews 11 has long been described as the Hall of Faith. Loot at each of the following people, and write down any observations you find interesting about how they utilized faith in their experience.

(Noah v. 7) "He believed what God said, and with godly fear in faith prepared the ark."

(Abraham vv. 8-10 "He obeyed God and went as God lead him, he didn't see it, but had faith in God."

(Sarah v. 11-12) "Sarah had confidence in God through her faith in Him."

(Moses v. 24-26). "Moses choose to have faith in God and lead his people out of bondage."

11).     Which of these people and stories do you most personally relate to?

I would say Sarah because she had confidence in God, and she trusted Him. I am sure she had problems with unbelievers in her lifetime.  In my situation I have confidence in God to get me through my transition of retirement, and settle down in my new place.

12).     What do you feel God is asking you to do in faith right now?

I believe God is telling me to stay with my patient for now, even though I want to retire and not work part-time. I have faith in God!!!

13).     Read Ephesians 2:8. Explain.

We had nothing to do with our salvation, but have faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross; This is God's grace at work through faith!  "Not of works."

14).     Read Luke 17:5-6 in the margin. Underline what the disciples asked for. Circle Jesus' response.  

This is saying believers live by our faith; the just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:

15).     Why do you think the connection between truth and faith is critical?

We must believe God's Word is truth in order to have faith in; the truth is that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind of Christ, therefore, we can have faith in this power because of His love for us. This is a sound mind!

16).     Read Luke 5:1-7, 11, explain to the best of your knowledge.

Victorious faith is acting on God's living Word. Jesus was the Word and the Word spoke to the disciples and said have faith, just trust me, and because they did, they experienced a miracle, then they follow that miracle. AMEN.

17)      What is God asking you to do in response to what you've seen in Simon's example?

God is asking me to trust Him concerning my retirement and where to live during my retirement. It was frighten as I approached my year of retirement, and I just couldn't see it. I didn't know what to do. God was asking me to trust Him in my spirit, and then all of a sudden it became so clear to me of what He was saying. I responded and God gave me the heart to believe it was Him. In the next few months it will be completed! I trust You Lord!

18).    Read John 10:27, do you believe Jesus is talking to you?

Yes I do with all my heart, mind, and soul!

19).     Have you in any way allowed your feelings to override your commitment to obey? Yes I have done that in the past!

20).    Read  2 Timothy 1:7 I love this Scripture!

21).     When God tells us to walk by faith, according to 2 Timothy 1:7, what is God asking us not to do? He is asking us not to walk in fear, but trust Him.

22).    To you, what is a firm foundation?

 A firm foundation is having strong faith in God's written Word, and having a desire to follow the Holy Spirit as He lead us in applying it to our life daily. Speaking the Word over our live daily.


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