Saturday, April 7, 2018

Week # 5 Questions/Answers

 1).     What does it means to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

When an individual accepts Christ as personal Savior, the Holy Spirit gives the believer the life of God, eternal life, which is really His very nature (Titus 3:52 Peter 1:4), and the Holy Spirit comes to live within him spiritually. The fact that the believer's body is likened to a temple where the Holy Spirit lives helps us understand what the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is all about.

2).    How do we depend on the Holy Spirit?

The Spirit is the purchase of the Son, bequeathed to us through his death, resurrection, and ascension to God's right hand. He gives the Spirit to give us life and to secure, seal, sanctify, and assure us. It is by the Spirit that we live, walk, worship, pray, serve, and suffer. The Spirit opens eyes, strengthens hearts, enables holiness, and fills us with the fullness of God. We depend on Him by seeking to hear His voice through trust.

3).    What does the Holy Spirit do?

He assures you that you belong to God. He teaches you to call God, "Father" (Romans 8:15-16). He bring things back to your remembrance. He is God's seal of ownership and your guarantee of complete salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14).

He is making you to be more like Jesus Christ.

4).    How can we do what pleases God?

We must obey Him in the fullness, and love Him back. Accept the Holy Spirit and not ignore Him or try to live the Christian life without depending on Him.

5).    What do it means to cooperate with the Holy Spirit?

Cooperating with the Holy Spirit means to depend on Him and His divine resources, and by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit; we must submit to Him.

6).    How does God's Holy Spirit works?

God's Holy Spirit always works in and through His Word.

7).    What does the Word train in 1 Timothy 4:7 means?

It means daily sustained effort. Just as it takes practice to be skilled in a particular sport, so it takes practice to be skilled in living the Christian life through the Holy Spirit.

8).    Who do you turn to for daily guidance on how to live or what decision to make?

The Holy Spirit will guide you into all the truth; He will not speak on His own , but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come, (John 16:13).

9).    What do you think about this statement "are there any conditions placed upon guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives?"

Yes there are! We must stay yielded to the Holy Spirit, and we must say yes to the Holy Spirit when He prompts us to take a certain action or say a certain word, and then we must obey the Holy spirit and follow through with it.

10).  How do the Holy Spirit speak to us?

The Spirit often speaks to us in the stillness of our hearts with a word of conviction or assurance. I can actually say, this is true !!

11).   How can you know if you are yielded to the Holy Spirit?

You are yielded to Him when you can say to Him, "Here is what I desire. But if Your answer to this is 'no,' it's all right. I'll do what You say."

12).  What did the Holy Spirit come to do for us?

The Holy Spirit has come to reveal the truth to us, and He has come in His all-knowing ability to impart to us what we need to know in order to live obedient and faithful lives.

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