Saturday, April 28, 2018



1).     What is forgiving to you?

Forgiveness to me is letting go of grudges and bitterness. When someone you care about hurts youyou can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward.

2).    Read Mark 11:23; Explain.

Jesus tells us that faith can move mountains. This is not a teaching for us to explain away or for us to drown under a thousand qualifications. Instead, it serves to confront our unbelief and encourage stronger faith in us. It enables us to attempt new things, attain greater heights, and stretch our imagination. We must not shun or deny this faith.  Our faith is our greatest power!

3).    When it comes to forgiveness, who is God protecting?

God's people are the ones who God is trying to protect. We are the ones who receive the most benefit from forgiveness, not the other person. God is protecting our hearts!

4).    When we have unforgiving in our heart, what do it do to our hearts?

A spirit of unforgiveness complicates and compromises our daily walk with God.

5).    Read 1 John 4:9-10, explain.

As grateful followers of Jesus, we are told to "do all in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Col. 3:17). When we represent Him to other people in word and deed, they should see love, in the name of Christ.  God is telling us to love others as He has loved us. God love us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sins in this world.

6).    Read Colossians 3:13, explain.

I really believe that is self-explanatory! "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."  We must forgive in order to be forgiven, amen.

7).    Forgiving starts as a decision of what, and an act of what?

Forgiving others often starts as a decision of surrender-an act of our will.

8).    God can work better in us when we do what?

We talk about healing and this is something that God can do better if we forgive others, and have no unforgiveness in our hearts.

9).    Forgiving others makes a way for our own what?

This makes a sure way for our own healing in our bodies every time when we forgive.

10).  If you need help in forgiving pray the ending prayer.

"Father God, I need your help and your insights. Today I have gained a better understanding of forgiving others and with your help, I fully forgive from my heart. Just as you have freely forgiven me, I forgive them. Father, I ask you to forgive me for hurting others out of my own hurt and to heal my relationships with others. I pray all of this in Jesus' precious name and by whom all forgiveness and healing was made possible. Thank you for loving me in ways I'll never comprehend. In Jesus' name.  Amen."

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