Sunday, March 25, 2018

Palm Sunday DAY 1

What Was Accomplished on the Cross?


[Jesus] was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. —Romans 4:25

Millions of people around the world believe Jesus died on the Cross, but not everyone believes He was raised from the dead. And very few people, even Christians, know what He actually accomplished when He went to the Cross. Why did Jesus shed His blood? Was it just for forgiveness of sins alone or for even more than that? Jesus was delivered unto death for the payment of our sins. Then He was raised again for our justification so we could live in right standing with God. When Jesus shed His blood, it was for the forgiveness of our sins. His resurrection from the dead made the new birth available to us. We can now receive Jesus as our Savior and become brand-new creatures on the inside. (2 Cor. 5:17.) And our newly re-created spirits are infused with the nature of God. Our sins are not just forgiven but remitted—totally removed as though they'd never happened. God not only delivers us from our sins, but He also delivers us from the power sin once held over us. You see, it wouldn't have been enough just to forgive our sins—our nature would still be the same, and we'd still continue to sin. God sent Jesus to deliver us from the power of sin and all its effects, including sickness. Jesus died to pay for our sins, and He was raised from the dead to deliver us from sin and sickness.

Confession: I'm a new creature in Christ. The old sin nature has been removed and holds no more power over me. Now I live free from sin and sickness.

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