Sunday, May 4, 2014


The Ministry of Jesus Study:
This study is focus on Jesus' Life and Ministry.  We have covered some interesting topics, but this one is the most important one to me.  It will reveal the very core of the Gospel.  When I heard this in my spirit, I was so excited!  Looking into the ministry of Jesus is a blessing. We know He was born in Bethlehem, Judea, the city of David as a fulfilment from (Micah 5:2), and you can find this fulfillment in (Luke2:4-7), (but his ministry was outreach. He was known as the man from Galilee, a Nazareth, where God led his step-father Joseph for protection.  Jesus was rise up in Galilee, but he left Galilee to come to the city of Jerusalem where he would be betrayed, put to death, and resurrected. He went from Bethany to Jerusalem, from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane, from Gethsemane to the Palace of the High Priest, from the Palace of Caiaphas to Pontius Pilate's Judgment Hall, from Pilate to King Herod's Palace, from King Herod's Palace to Pilate, from Pilate's Judgment Hall to Golgotha or Calvary. But before all this, Jesus left a legacy of ministry for His followers. We will study that ministry.
Galilee, lying in the northern region of Israel, served as the major ministry center for Jesus.The headquarters of His ministry was Capernaum, the city mentioned in Luke 4:31, it was because of Jesus' teaching that his fame began spreading throughout the region (there are so many scriptural references of His ministry in Luke; 5:3, 17; 6:6; 11:1; 13:10, 22, 26; 19:47; 20:1, 21:37; 23:5). This is the first of several reports about the popular interest, curiosity and excitement being generated by Jesus (4:22, 28, 32, 36-37; 5:15; 7:17).  What message could possibly generate so much interest?  Good question!
The next passage reveals the nature of Jesus' claims and provides initial answers to this question.  Jesus Preaches in Nazareth; the time of fulfilment has come (4:16-30). This study will take us deeper into the ministry of Jesus. We will explore many things about the ministry of Jesus, in the area of healing, miracles, prayers, teaching, and the parables He used.  Have you ever waited a long time for something?  As you see it draw near, anticipation rises.  Do you remember the turning points as you moved from dating to engagement and then marriage, the anticipation of graduation, a work promotion, the purchase of a house; arrival of a child? The moment, when it comes, is full of joy and the emotion of the realization of what had been anticipated. God had promised the decisive demonstration of his salvation for His people for a long time.  Now Jesus turns to declare the day has come; opportunity is present.  After almost two thousand years of promise, stretching all the way back to Abraham, Jesus claims that the promise of a prophet, like Isaiah are now being decisively realized.
But as in many great moments, questions arise.  Is this really it?  Have we moved from the days of promise to the time of the beginning of realization?  Is God at work to fulfill His promise?  Jesus' synagogue declaration brings a moment of decision for those who hear His claims.  A snapshot of His entire ministry flashes in this brief exchange.  Jesus appears to speak during the reading of the Prophets.  He reads from Isaiah 61:1-2, a passage that promises the coming of God's salvation.  His commentary, unlike most sermons, is brief, declaring simply, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." The claim is so great that we need to work through the elements of the Old Testament passage carefully. The introductory summary of Jesus' ministry begins here after He had spent time before God in the wilderness for forty days (Luke 4:1-13). 
This study will cover Jesus' ministry from beginning to end. This is the outline for the study each week. 
Weekly Focus:
Memory Verse:
Bible Reading:
Main Study:
These are our subjects for the study
Week # 1:         Beginning His Ministry
Week # 2:         Prayers of Jesus
Week # 3:         Teaching of Jesus
Week # 4:         Healing of Jesus
Week # 5:         Miracles of Jesus
Week # 6:         Parables of Jesus
Week # 7:         Last Week of Jesus
Week # 8:         Conclusion
I don't have a study book for this study, but I will be doing research on the Ministry of Jesus to add to this study.  Also, I am looking for a good study book on Jesus' ministry.  If you have any suggestions of a good book in mind, please share, thanks.
Father God, as we start this study, we ask that You would bless us with the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. We praise You for all that You do for us, all that You have done for us, and all that You will do for us. Thank You!  Our hearts is preparing to learn more about Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We desire to know more about Him in His ministry while on this earth, please bless us to gain that knowledge, and the understanding to use it with wisdom.  Bless us to have spiritual ears to hear what the Holy Spirit says to us as we study this topic; thank You Lord. We ask for the Holy Spirit Who indwells in us to teach us, we ask for and receive an impartation of the wisdom that comes only from Heaven; it is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. We thank You always for all You do to teach us more about You and all that we need to live on this earth. Lord, Your Holy Spirit is our Counselor, Teacher, and Provider. Thank You, Father, for the performance of Your Word in our lives. This we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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