Tuesday, May 20, 2014

BIBLE STUDY WEEK # 3 (5/20/14)

The Ministry of Jesus Study

Created by Evangelist Claudia Jordan

Date:  5/20/14

Week Study # 3


Title:                           Teachings of Jesus

Scripture:                    Matthew 9:35;

Weekly Focus:            Matthew 4:4

Memory Verse:           John 13:14-16

Bible Reading:           Matthew 4:13; 9:1; Luke 8:1; John 13:14-16; Matthew 5,6, 7



Getting Started

Jesus taught love, forgiveness, and acceptance. He taught us that He died for our sins and that if we embrace Him that we will be saved. Jesus Christ is an example of everything good and perfect. He shows us how to be meek, humble, and selfless. He portrays love, kindness, and mercy. Sermons have been preached about his office of prophet, priest, and king. However, it is rarely mentioned that he was also a teacher. People who are very conservative and place a large emphasis on preaching insist that Jesus was not a soft-spoken teacher, but a preacher of preachers. People who are very liberal and place the emphasis on Jesus caring for the poor and the widows insist that he was not a teacher teaching absolute truth, but a social reformer. He did many things, and all of them, he did perfectly. One of those was teaching.

Much of Jesus' ministry involved teaching. He taught in many places, to many people, using many methods. His ministry began with teaching, consisted of teaching, and ended with teaching. He had time to teach a group of thousands. He also had the compassion to teach single individuals. He is a perfect example of how to effectively teach.

Jesus' ministry began with teaching. It is often said that his teaching ministry began in Luke 4. This may be true concerning his public ministry as a grown man. However, eighteen years earlier, Luke gives a glimpse of what was to come. In Luke 2:46-47, the record is given of Jesus in the temple at the age of twelve. Jesus is left at the temple for about three days. His parents find him, not engaged in youthful vices, but conversing with men trained in religious instruction. The miraculous thing is that the young boy is not speechless and gazing at the trained doctors, but the contrary is true. The trained doctors are amazed at the wisdom of one a fraction of their age. In this story, Jesus shows a pattern that would show up throughout his earthly ministry. He hears them (v. 46), he questions them (v. 46), and he answers them (v. 47). The result: the ones being taught are astonished. This would happen the next time Jesus teaches (Luke 4:32).

For the next eighteen years, Jesus increases in wisdom, stature, and favor. He becomes a carpenter and is subject to his parents. He presents himself publicly when he began to be about thirty years old. He is then tested for forty days and afterwards returns into Galilee. His first ministry involved teaching in the synagogues (Luke 4:15).

In the same chapter (4), Luke gives a detailed record of one of Jesus' teaching services. Jesus first gets the attention of the audience by standing up so all eyes would be directed toward him. He then begins to read the material he wants to present to his listeners. After the material is read, he then gives the book back to the minister and sits down. He then speaks only one sentence after reading his text: "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears" (Luke 4:21). The few lines read from Isaiah and the one line explaining its fulfillment is enough to make the crowd fill with wonder. Jesus presents the simple truth in such an authoritative and surprising way that the people ask with wonder, "Is not his Joseph's son?" His teaching ministry in Galilee leaves the people in the same condition as the doctors in the temple eighteen years earlier, astonished (Luke 4:32).

The record of the next 3½ years contains teaching that remains unparalleled to this day. Throughout the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Jesus teaches all manner of people all manner of subjects. One thing that made him so effective is the fact that common people understood him. He did not teach them with the intent of trying to show his superiority (the resurrection would prove that). He did not teach them using great swelling words that would end up subverting the hearers. He taught them using common language. He spoke in parables that common farmers could understand. He spoke of the seed and the sower, the serpent on the pole, the manna that came from heaven, the living water, and the sheep and the shepherd. When people did not understand him, he did not tell them to study, learn, or simply figure it out. He explained with patience and had compassion on those "ignorant and out of the way" (Hebrews 5:2). He used simple stories, parables, and illustrations. He used tangible objects to relate to his stories, such as birds, flowers, vines, water, and coins. He taught in a way that would leave people for him or against him, but not ignorant. For this reason, "the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12:37).

Not only did Jesus begin and base his ministry on teaching, but he also ended it with the same. The day before his crucifixion he is teaching his disciples the meaning of the Last Supper. He uses a living illustration to explain to them his shed blood and broken body. He could have used anything to teach this, but he chose the simple elements that were already available to the senses of the disciples. After the supper, he then led them down a path that evidently had vines, branches, and trees. He explained to them using a metaphor how the relationship of a vine to a branch is like Christians to the Christ.

After his death, burial, and resurrection, he spent forty days teaching his disciples things pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). He spent his last days upon this earth training the disciples for the task they would soon be given. Jesus did not teach the disciples so they could gain knowledge that would remain unshared. He was preparing them for his last command: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). Christ did not plan his teaching ministry to fit into a 3½ year curriculum that would end when he ascended. He began a ministry that Christians can have a part in today.



Matthew's community was Jewish-Christian. This community understood itself as

Jewish and continued to pray in the synagogues, while also gathering in their homes for the

breaking of bread. While Matthew's principal focus was his Jewish-Christian community, he was also reaching out to fellow Jews. His emphasis is that Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. He drew on themes from the Hebrew Scriptures. He attempted to show that following Jesus was not a departure from Jewish belief but rather it was faithful to it. Matthew traces Jesus' ancestry through the House of David, back to Abraham. He quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures and compares Jesus to Moses. As Moses was the Lawgiver in the Hebrew Scriptures, so Jesus interpreted the Law anew. This also connects with the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who foretell a new covenant written not on stone but in the heart.



1. In order for the people to receive, Jesus did what?

2. What was the teaching of the Beatitudes?

3. When Jesus taught, He taught with what?

4. Jesus told His disciples to pray for those who did what to us?

5. The commandment, precepts, judgment of Jesus is what?

6. What do we call the prayer Jesus taught His disciples?

7. What did Jesus tell His disciples to do if they loved Him?

8. How old was Jesus when He started to teaching?


Reflection Questions:

1. Do you have a part in Jesus' teaching ministry?

2. What have you learn about Jesus' teaching ministry in your life lately?

3. Do you have the gift of teaching to edify the Body of Christ?





Father God, we thank You and praise You forever. You are so honored to be praised. Thank You for blessing our study with everything we need.  You promised us that Your Holy Spirit would teach us whatever we need to learn. Holy Spirit, we thank You for teaching us God's Word as we study about our Savior Jesus. Jesus taught His disciples, so we desire You to teach us. We desire to humble ourselves before You, asking that a spirit of humility be released in us as we learn of Jesus our Lord. Thank You for a quiet and meek spirit, for we know that the meek shall inherit the earth. Search us, O God, and know our hearts; try us, and know our thoughts today. See if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting through these teaching.  AMEN.

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