Saturday, May 17, 2014


Jesus Prays for Unity among the Disciples:
There are three significant elements in the prayer that Jesus prayed for His disciples, as recorded in John 17:9-19. The first is the recognition that these men had been selected by God and they belonged to God. The second is the request for unity among these men, the same unity shared between the Father and the Son. The third is the petition of protection for the twelve disciples. All of Jesus' final instructions recorded in the preceding chapters were then sealed by this prayer.

In this part of the series on Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples, the focus will be on the necessity for unity among the twelve disciples. Unity, as spoken by David in the psalms, has incredible value in the eyes of God. As David said, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1) Jesus knew the Scriptures well, and perhaps was reminded of this psalm when He prayed for His disciples. Jesus knew that if they were unified amongst each other and with God, they would be purposeful and effective witnesses for Him.

In order for the gospel to be carried throughout the world, those who carried that message had to have one heart and mind. They all had to share the responsibility of not only the mission but the message. Jesus told them that their greatest testimony to the world was going to be their love for one another and their spiritual like-mindedness. "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35) This love for one another included not only a mutual respect as men but also care and compassion as fellow eyewitnesses to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Unity among the disciples was critical.


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