Thursday, April 17, 2014


 I was reading and went back and saw this.............

It is the fruit of self-control that tells a believer when they are getting out of balance, and letting the flesh be their guide rather than the Spirit of God.
If love can go bad because of lack of self-control, then so can all the other fruits. Joy out of
control can lead to extremes of wildness that are pagan. Peace and patience can be so extreme that it
leads to lethargy and indifference to a hurting world. Kindness can lead one to be so sugary sweet
that people gag on it, and avoid it as being superficial. You find this once in awhile in a waiter or waitress, who you know is going overboard in sweet talk, hoping for a greater tip.

The point is, everything good can become bad if it goes to excess. The Mississippi River is one
of the best assets of our nation, but when it overflows we have the worst floods in the nation, and it is a curse. It is a good thing out of control, and a good thing out of control is a bad thing. That is why
self-control is the key to keeping all of these fruits of the Spirit from going bad. They never rot and
go bad as long as they are linked to self-control. The movie Jurassic Park is based on this theme. It was an awesome world of great wonder until the control system was lost-then it became a nightmare. The Christian life can be a world of wondrous beauty, but then it can turn ugly if self-control is lost.    

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